In celebration of Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary, Bandai is releasing various Sailor Moon inspired cosmetics.
First to be released was a reproduction of Sailor Moon's transformation compact. It appears to come on a golden chain so it can be worn as a necklace.
Even the pressed powder inside is reproducing the inner design shown in the anime.
The second part which hasn't gotten quite as much media attention is a nail polish set recreating the colors shown in the transformation sequences. I understand that it's not as recognizable in practice, but personally I would find it more useful.
The individual bottles are super cute, so I'd probably end up trying to recreate the colors and refill them if they ran out.
If you can read Japanese, you can find more information here, and the bottom of the page has links to other anime inspired cosmetic lines.
I need these in my life. I wonder if they will start selling them in Europe :)